University of California, Los Angeles
Location: Faculty Center (Address: 480 CHARLES E. YOUNG DR. EAST, LOS ANGELES, CA)
Parking: Parking Structure 2 - 719 Hilgard Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90024. (Get map and directions here.).
When: 9:30AM - 6PM, November 11, 2017
Registration: Please register for the event
Kamalika Chaudhuri | Omer Reingold | Amit Sahai | Thomas Vidick |
Breakfast and Check-in: 9:30 - 10
Thomas Vidick (10 - 11): Quantum PCP Conjectures
Coffee Break: 11 - 11:30
Dakshitha Khurana (11:30 - 12): Revisiting Secure Computation
Omer Reingold (12 - 1): Calibration for the Masses
Lunch 1-2:30
Kamalika Chaudhuri (2:30 - 3:30): Foundational Questions in Adversarial Learning
Alistair Stewart (3:30 - 4): Statistical Query Lower Bounds for High-Dimensional Unsupervised Learning
Coffee Break: 4 - 4:30
Amit Sahai (4:30 - 5:30): Hiding Secrets in Software
Sankeerth Rao (5:30 - 6): The Independence Number of the Birkhoff Polytope Graph, and Applications to Maximally Recoverable Codes
Contact: Raghu Meka